
  • Após fazer sua avaliação online você receberá um e-mail e/ou uma mensagem pelo WhatsApp para marcar um horário para receber o feedback do resultado de forma super personalizada com pontuações importantes. Essas pontuações lhe trarão insights altamente significativos através do entendimento de pontos cegos e de potenciais cerebrais que, possivelmente, não estão sendo explorados.
  • After making your online assessment you will receive an email with the result which consists of:
    1. A detailed explanation of your brain preferences and emotional cognition
    2. Graphics displaying the 4 quadrants and 8 subdimensions of your thinking preferences
    3. Important information that will help you to understand other people's brain preferences
    4. Identification of your communication style
    5. Relevant suggestions for career choice that best fit your brain profile
  • After making your online assessment you will receive an email with the result which consists of:
    1. A detailed explanation of your brain preferences and emotional cognition
    2. Graphics displaying the 4 quadrants and 8 subdimensions of your thinking preferences
    3. Important information that will help you to understand other people's brain preferences
    4. Identification of your communication style
    5. Relevant suggestions for career choice that best fit your brain profile
  • Sale!

    Brain Profile Labor Day Sale

    Original price was: $130.00.Current price is: $99.00.
    After making your online assessment you will receive an email with the result which consists of:
    1. A detailed explanation of your brain preferences and emotional cognition
    2. Graphics displaying the 4 quadrants and 8 subdimensions of your thinking preferences
    3. Important information that will help you to understand other people's brain preferences
    4. Identification of your communication style
    5. Relevant suggestions for career choice that best fit your brain profile
  • Being a parent is more than a job. It’s a mission! The most challenging mission of all. And parents need support and resources, including emotional ones, to fulfill their mission and be whole. Join us in a two-hour workshop to empower parents. Register today to receive empowering information as well as to learn special techniques to achieve emotional strength, staying calm and guilt-free. Vanessa Anseloni, PsyD, PhD and Rejane Guerreiro, MSc have been working with parents from across the world. Through the pioneering works of the School of Emotion, Dr. Anseloni will lead this delightful workshop with the sole objective of empowering parentings in their mission. Rejane Guerreiro is the guest speaker who will share innovative tools to strenghten parenting awareness and skills. The workshop will happen through Zoom. Once registered, participants will receive the information for access.
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